“Basically, scholars, professors, economists and experts are very concerned about Indonesia’s recent economic situation and propose an initiates so-called ‘AB-Nomics’ New Economic Direction”
JAKARTA | KBA – To improve the economy which has not been doing well for the past 10 years, a number of scholars, professors, economists and experts have held discussions and discussions.
They forbid that Indonesia currently needs a new economic orientation and direction with the aim of making conditions better, which they call the New Direction-Nomics (AB-Nomics).
“Basically, scholars, professors, economists and experts are very concerned about Indonesia’s recent economic situation. They conducted brainstorming to exchange information and data in a limited discussion initiated by the Narrative Institute on Friday, June 2, 2023 in a bold manner,” said Public Policy Expert from the Narasi Institute Achmad Nur Hidayat, who also served as the minutes of the brainstorming meeting.
Scholars, professors, economists and experts are very concerned about Indonesia’s recent economic situation.
They held a discussion to exchange information and data in a limited discussion initiated by the Narrative Institute on Friday, 2 June 2023 online.
The discussion meeting was attended by a number of national and regional scholars from all over Indonesia.
They are Prof Dr Didin S Damanhuri, Dr Awalil Rizky, Dr Fadhil Hasan, Faisal Basri, Dr Said Didu, Achmad Nur Hidayat, Dr. Aries muftie, Dr. Ryan Kiryanto, Prof. Dr. Nurhayati Djamas, Jilal Mardhani, Dr. M Abdul Malik, Dr. Sabriati Aziz, M. Hatta Taliwang, Prof. Dr. Mas Roro Lilik Ekowanti, MS, Dr. Mufidah Said SE MM, Prof. Dr. Prijono Tjiptoherijanto (University of Indonesia), Prof. Dr. Siti Chamamah, Dr. Muhammad Chirzin (UIN Kalijaga, Yogjakarta), Dr. Fuad Bawazier, Soetrisno Bachir, Dr. Mas Ahmad Daniri, Prof. Dr. Marzuki Dea (UNHAS), Dr. Ayus A. Yusuf (IAIN Nurjati Cirebon), Dr. Dede Juniardi (Branch University), Dr. Fachru Novrian (UPN Veteran Jakarta).
In the meeting which lasted almost 3 hours, academics and professors had 6 points of advice for policy makers, including:
First, experts, scholars and economists agree on the need for a new direction for the Indonesian economy going forward. An economy that is more in favor of justice and economic equality.
Second, experts and economists agree to make Indonesia’s economy even better so as to be able to catch up and achieve the target of the world’s top 4 economies in 2045. Therefore a turn around policy is needed in the Indonesian economy going forward.
Third, experts, scholars and economists agree that the President should not be interfering in the 2024 leadership succession. The President must avoid low politics (low politics: interfering in matters of succession and political parties ahead of the 2024 elections) and the President should ensure a democratic leadership transition.
Fourth, experts, scholars and economists agree that there is a need for a more concrete eradication of corruption, because corruption has become a serious problem for the Indonesian nation at this time.
Fifth, experts and economists agree that Indonesia is a country based on law, so that law must be placed as commander in chief and not politics as commander in chief.
Sixth, experts, scholars and economists see the need for efforts to re-tighten relations between fellow citizens of the nation, between groups and groups to live in harmony and peace side by side.
In addition, academics and professors noted current economic problems.
There are five negative impacts of the current economic model including (1) Real Injustice/Inequality. (2) Increasing Leakage and Corruption (used to be 30%, now up to 57%) (3) Regional Autonomy That Does Not Prosper the People. (4) The Political Ecosystem That Fosters the Oligarchy. (5) The Jar Structure (oligarchy) in the Economy Towards a Rhombus Structure (a more just and prosperous structure)
Professors and academics also highlighted that there are seven dimensions that need to be carried out by AB-Nomics, including:
First, shifting a development orientation that is too “GDP oriented” to “the direction of sustainable growth” by emphasizing economic equality and justice.
Second, the new direction in question is the achievement of GDP as an indicative factor that must be followed to achieve economic, social and ecological sustainability.
Third, the need for fiscal and monetary management reforms that are too concentrated in the Ministry of Finance involving the role of BAPPENAS.
Fourth, Development Orientation Towards Strengthening Agromaritime. Fifth, restore the vital role of the KPK and KPPU
Sixth, Indicators of Success in Regional Autonomy and Ranking of Successful Regions
Seventh, revision of the Political Law to prevent the control of political parties by political oligarchs
Achmad Nur Hidayat as the note taker of the Urun Rembug said that the commitment of the nation’s academics to improve the nation’s condition is very high and they are ready to discuss with anyone for better economic progress.
Achmad Nur Hidayat, who is also a Public Policy Specialist at the Narasi Institute, said that all the nation’s problems that were discussed by the professors in the discussion were very strategic. He hopes that brainstorming like this can be carried out in a series of follow-up discussions that involve a lot of ideas and get a lot of public attention.
The public needs enlightenment from academics who are responsible for improving the nation, God willing, the Narasi Institute discussion series will be very useful as an exchange of ideas from the best brains of the Indonesian people so that Indonesia can get out of the current economic problems.
Source: kbanews.com